
Fasted Cardio: Does it Burn More Fat?

Fasted Cardio: Does it Burn More Fat?

Ever heard the whispers about fasted cardio? It's the fitness trend where you hit the gym on an empty stomach, supposedly torching more fat and blasting away those unwanted pounds. But before you down that pre-dawn glass of black coffee and rush to the treadmill, let's unpack this whole fasted cardio thing. Is it really the magic bullet for weight loss, or just another fad?

Susan Ohtake, Certified Personal Trainer
Susan Ohtake

Certified Personal Trainer

a woman doing a stair workout on bleachers
a woman doing a stair workout on bleachers
a woman doing a stair workout on bleachers

The Skinny on Fasted Cardio

The theory behind fasted cardio is simple. When you haven't eaten anything, your body's usual source of energy, glucose (from carbs), is low. So, in this fasted state, your body supposedly taps into stored fat for fuel, leading to increased fat burning during your workout. Sounds pretty good, right?

Does it Actually Work?

Well, research is a bit like a fitness class – there are mixed reviews. Some studies suggest fasted cardio might lead to a slightly higher percentage of calories burned from fat during the workout itself. But here's the catch: the total number of calories burned overall might not be that different compared to exercising after eating.

Think of it like this: imagine burning 100 calories during fasted cardio, with 70 from fat and 30 from carbs. Now, picture exercising fed, burning 110 calories, with 60 from fat and 50 from carbs. Even though the fat burning percentage is higher fasted, you're still potentially burning more calories overall when you fuel your body beforehand.

Other Factors to Consider

Here's the thing: weight loss is about more than just burning calories during your workout. It's a 24/7 game. Fasted cardio might impact your performance and overall calorie expenditure in other ways:

  • Feeling wimpy: Let's be honest, nobody enjoys a sluggish workout. Food gives you energy, and without it, you might find yourself struggling to push as hard, potentially leading to a shorter or less intense workout. This could mean burning fewer calories overall.

  • Hangry monster alert! Ever get super cranky when you're hungry? Fasted cardio might turn you into a post-workout beast – ravenous and ready to raid the fridge. This could lead to overeating later, wiping out any potential calorie deficit you created.

  • Muscle matters: Building and maintaining muscle is key for long-term weight loss. Muscle burns more calories at rest, even when you're Netflixing. Some research suggests fasted cardio might lead to more muscle breakdown, which isn't ideal.

So, is Fasted Cardio Right for You?

The truth is, it depends! Listen to your body. Here are some things to consider:

  • Your fitness level: Are you a seasoned gym rat or a cardio newbie? If you're new to exercise, fasted cardio might be too much, potentially leading to dizziness or nausea. Start with exercising after a light snack and gradually increase the intensity.

  • Your goals: Looking to build muscle and strength? Fasted cardio might not be the best choice. But if you're comfortable with fasted exercise and find it works for you, go for it! Just make sure you fuel your body properly after your workout.

  • Your preferences: Some women feel fantastic working out on an empty stomach, while others need a little fuel in the tank. Experiment and see what feels best for you.

The Bottom Line: Consistency is Queen

Here's the real key to weight loss: consistency. Find an exercise routine you genuinely enjoy and can stick with in the long run. Whether you're a fasted cardio devotee or prefer a post-breakfast sweat session, the most important thing is to get moving and find what works for you.


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Watch your body transform faster than you ever thought possible. The 21-Day Metabolic Reset gets you lean, toned, and fit in a fraction of the time with short, high-intensity workouts you can do from home with just a pair of dumbbells. All levels welcome.

Susan Ohtake pointing at you


Watch your body transform faster than you ever thought possible. The 21-Day Metabolic Reset gets you lean, toned, and fit in a fraction of the time with short, high-intensity workouts you can do from home with just a pair of dumbbells. All levels welcome.

Susan Ohtake pointing at you