
Planking Your Way to a Stronger You: Benefits, Form, and Fun Variations

Planking Your Way to a Stronger You: Benefits, Form, and Fun Variations

Let's face it, crunches can get a bit, well, crunchy. Don't get me wrong, they have their place, but if you're looking for a core exercise that packs a punch without putting stress on your back, planks are your new best friend. They're simple, effective, and can be done pretty much anywhere – no fancy gym equipment required!

Susan Ohtake, Certified Personal Trainer
Susan Ohtake

Certified Personal Trainer

women doing planks and giving eachother a high five
women doing planks and giving eachother a high five
women doing planks and giving eachother a high five

But before we dive into all the plank awesomeness, let's talk about why you should care about your core in the first place. Your core isn't just about washboard abs (although planks can help with that too); it's the powerhouse that keeps you stable and strong throughout your entire body. A strong core improves your posture, reduces back pain, and helps you perform better in all kinds of activities, from running to gardening.

Plank Power: A List of Benefits

Planks are like a full-body party for your muscles. Here's a taste of what they can do for you:

  • Core Strength Central: This is the big one. Planks engage pretty much every muscle in your core, from your deep abs to your obliques. This translates to better stability, improved balance, and a flatter tummy (hello, dream jeans!).

  • Posture Perfection: Say goodbye to slouching! Planks strengthen the muscles that support your spine, helping you stand tall and proud. No more hunching over your computer or feeling that achy lower back after a long day.

  • Full-Body Blast: While your core takes center stage, planks don't neglect the rest of your crew. They work your shoulders, glutes, hamstrings, and even your quads, giving you a well-rounded workout.

  • Improved Flexibility: Planks might not feel like a stretch, but they can actually help lengthen your hamstrings and hip flexors, which tend to get tight from sitting all day.

  • Metabolic Boost: Planks are an isometric exercise, meaning you hold a position rather than move through a range of motion. Even though they might not feel like they're getting your heart rate way up, they still challenge your muscles, which can help you burn calories and boost your metabolism.

Planking Like a Pro: Mastering the Form

Now that you're on board with the plank party, let's get down to business. Here's how to do a plank with perfect form:

  1. Start on the Floor: Get comfortable on your forearms, with your elbows directly under your shoulders. Your forearms should be parallel to each other, and your hands can be fisted or flat, whichever feels more comfortable.

  2. Toe Time: Raise your body up on your toes, creating a straight line from your head to your heels. Engage your core by pulling your belly button in towards your spine. Don't let your hips sag or arch your back – keep everything nice and straight.

  3. Hold Strong: Aim to hold this position for as long as you can with good form. Start with 30 seconds and gradually increase the hold time as you get stronger. If you can't hold a high plank for 30 seconds yet, don't worry! We'll talk about some modifications in a bit.

  4. Breathe Easy: Remember to breathe throughout the entire hold. Don't hold your breath – it might make you dizzy and won't help you get any stronger.

Once you've mastered the basic plank, you can keep things interesting with some fun variations. Here are a few to try:

  • High Plank: Take things up a notch by placing your hands flat on the floor instead of your forearms. This puts more stress on your shoulders, so make sure you have good upper body strength before trying this one.

  • Side Plank: Want to target your obliques? Try a side plank! Lie on your side with your elbow directly under your shoulder and your legs stacked on top of each other. Lift your hips off the ground, forming a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold for as long as you can on each side.

  • Walking Plank: Feeling fancy? Try the walking plank! Start in a high plank position and then walk your hands out to the sides, one at a time, keeping your hips low and your core engaged. Walk your hands back in to return to the starting position.

  • Forearm Plank with Leg Raise: Want to add a little more challenge? Try raising one leg off the ground while holding a plank. Hold for a few seconds, then switch legs.

Planking for Everyone: Modifications and Tips

Planks are great for everyone, from beginners to fitness fanatics. Planks are a simple yet powerful exercise that can benefit everyone. With proper form, a few modifications, and some consistency, you can unlock a stronger core, better posture, and a whole lot of other perks. Happy planking!


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Susan Ohtake pointing at you