If you’ve noticed gravity starting to take its toll on your backside, and you’re looking to tone things up and blast off that stubborn lower body fat, let me show you what not to do…
This might come as a surprise, but NOT all leg exercises are good for firming and lifting up your butt and glutes. In fact, that leg press machine, the “glute master,” and even spending hours on the stair climber doing cardio WILL NOT help you get a firmer, more lifted booty.
Why do these exercises end up being a waste of time?
When you get off that glute master machine, do leg presses, or spend an hour on the stair climber, your glutes might feel sore. But the soreness is just tricking you into thinking that you’ve burned off a whole ton of stubborn lower body fat…
…when, in reality, your metabolism hasn’t really burned off much lower body fat at all.
And that’s the real challenge!
Most ladies I know already have a strong, firm booty. It’s just hidden behind a layer of stubborn, lumpy fat!
This is going to sound really strange, but try this out so I can prove it to you…
Wherever you are right now, flex your butt muscles and give them a good “poke” with your finger.What do you feel?
Beyond that layer of stubborn glute fat that’s just below the surface, I bet you feel firm and strong muscles under there. What are you feeling below that fat? It’s muscle! It’s just being hidden by a layer of lower body fat that’s hard for most women to burn.
The truth is: You ALREADY have firm, lifted glutes…
…the secret is that you have to burn off the stubborn layer of fat that’s covering them up!
Now, leg exercises alone don’t burn leg fat. It’s impossible to “spot burn.” That’s just a fancy way of saying: You can’t “target” certain body parts with exercises (arm exercises don’t burn arm fat and leg exercises don’t burn leg fat).
…your metabolism DOES HAVE an “order” that it likes to burn fat in.
For most women, that “order” of fat burn is:
Upper body fat usually gets burned FIRST, and lower body fat gets burned SECOND.
That’s a big reason why so many of us struggle ever to see any results when it comes to belly, leg, and backside fat burning!
On the next page, I’ll actually show you how to reverse the order of fat burning and quickly blast away stubborn fat over your lower body (and on your abs, too!) – getting you a firm and lifted booty.
But first, here are the 5 WORST exercise mistakes you should stop making right now if you want to crank up your metabolism so you can get rid of hard-to-burn body fat and keep it off…
Mistake #1: Doing Long Bouts of Cardio
More cardio, even if it’s lower-body focused (like the stair climber machine) does little to actually burn the stubborn lower-body fat you’re trying to get rid of. Especially long, boring bouts of cardio!
Long cardio sessions can work for men. But men burn lower body fat and belly fat more easily than women.
Our hormones are to blame.
Our bodies are actually designed to PROTECT lower body fat…especially when you’re doing long bouts of cardio!
Ever wonder why you see so many pear-shaped runners? They might run marathons or an hour or more per day, but their bodies still try to hold on to fat on their glutes and thighs.
Even worse, too much cardio accelerates aging! When you put your body under prolonged stress, you start producing free radicals, which damage your cells and cause inflammation…and inflammation is what makes you OLD. Yikes!
Fortunately, there is a way to do cardio that tricks your metabolism into burning lower body fat first—I’ll show you how it works in a minute. (Once you learn this simple trick, you’ll kick yourself for not doing it all along!)
Mistake #2: Avoiding Resistance Training
Avoiding weights (or not challenging yourself with heavier weights) because you don’t want to "bulk up" is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.
When done properly, resistance training (we’re talking nothing more than a pair of dumbbells here…exercises you can do at home), will not bulk you up. The right type of resistance training will make you strong and firm up soft areas of your body. You'll increase arm and leg tone. Your bone density will improve too.
PLUS, your metabolism will respond by burning stubborn fat on your legs, butt, and belly first (instead of holding on to it). On the next page, I’ll show you the most effective resistance exercises that tone every inch of your body—replacing flab with tone while sending your metabolism into fat melting mode!
Mistake #3: Doing “Woman-Friendly” Workouts
Most female-centric workout classes are great marketing and nothing more. Most are simply not effective at helping you tone up or burn fat.
Even high-intensity exercise classes often miss the mark! In an effort to make things more "woman-friendly", many workout programs increase rest time or even decrease intensity—giving women easier versions of men’s workouts.
But here’s the problem: If you’re looking to use short, high-intensity interval workouts to blast off fat—you actually need less rest than men!
Our bodies recover faster than men. Plus, we handle high-intensity exercise more efficiently than men do!
The fact is, we don’t need workouts that are “easier” than men. We need workouts that are made for the way our metabolisms use energy and burn fat.
In just a minute, I’ll show you the most effective way to crank up your metabolism to get lean and toned -- and why this one workout technique works better for women than men.
Mistake #4: Repeating the Same Workouts Over and Over
Repeating the same workout routine over and over is a surefire way to STOP getting results. We’re creatures of habit and we tend to stick to things we’re familiar with and good at. But when it comes to working out, if you want to make progress and keep seeing changes in your body, you’ve got to start switching things up.
You see, your body has an amazing ability to adapt quickly, and when it does, that’s when you hit the dreaded plateau and you STOP making progress.
On the next page, I’ll show you how you can kickstart your metabolism, sending it into calorie-melting overdrive. Plus, you’ll discover how to keep your body guessing so belly and lower body fat continues to melt.
Mistake #5: Doing Looooooong Workouts
Longer workouts do NOT equal better results or faster results.
When it comes to getting lean and getting toned, your body responds to quality over quantity.
If you’ve been spending a ton of time exercising, but your body isn’t visibly changing, you can't do more of the same thing and expect different results!
I’m going to show you how to super-charge your workouts and "reset" your metabolism so it finally burns lower body fat, helping you get lean, fit and strong while cutting your workout time in half (or more!).
How to "Reset" Your Metabolism to Shrink & Tone Your Butt, Hips, Thighs, and Belly!
Alright! Now that you know what NOT to do, here’s the good news…
Science has proven that there are specific types of exercise that trigger a potent lower-body fat-burning effect, skyrocketing your metabolism and boosting calorie burn for up to 48 hours after your workout is over.
These exercises use multi-muscle movements and resistance (using dumbbells), creating a massive metabolic boost, demanding more lower body fat to be burned for fuel. The best part?
Most workouts will never touch stuck on lower body and belly fat—no matter how long or how much you exercise—but these workouts do!
You can do these short, insanely effective workouts at home. All you need is a pair of dumbbells.Plus, there’s even more good news…
These exercises also stimulate your youth-enhancing hormones — making you look and feel years younger!
Listen: getting a lean, defined body with a firm belly is easy once you know HOW to reset your metabolism to burn off stuck-on fat.
On the next page, I’ll show you the specifics behind these fast and easy-to-follow workouts that reset your metabolism so you can finally melt off fat (especially lower body fat) and KEEP it off for good -- without exercising yourself to death or constantly dieting!